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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kourtney Kardashian Workout and Diet Plan

Secret Of Kourtney Kardashian Summer Body

Although at age over 30, but her body seems like can't match with her ages. She looks more a like a thin body to me. She has been working out 3-4 days per week with under go balance and nutrition health diet plan. Keep on reading below to see how Kourtney Kardashian weight loss and workout plan.

Kourtney Kardashian Exercise Routine

Kourtney is a big fan of running. She usually just turns on iPod Shuffle and straight went for a run by the house. She also uses treadmill or elliptical running exercise in her mom's house. Kourtney use running exercise to shape up her lower body and losing weight is the same time. While running, she did few simple exercise moves and drills that will work for legs and core and even make hoofing it feel easier.
  • Hand-on-head running - run 3-5 minutes

  • Narrow- Stance Lunge - do 12-15 reps, work great on butt and legs.

  • Low Walking - 20 reps front and back, burn fat on butt and legs.

  • High Knees - 10 reps on each legs

  • Plan a Ball - 20 times, work on core part, you need a balance ball on this workout.

  • Side running - 4 runs each sides

  • Get A Friend To Tag Along Makes A Workout Twice As Fun
Kourtney jogs together with Khloe at beach while going workout classes with Kim at home. With pairing up an exercise partner you can share fitness idea and increase motivation at the same time.

Know Where Is You Good and Worst Part On You Body

Kourtney realizes that she gained a few extra pounds on her bottom while pregnant so she mainly tackle the lower body part by doing exercises that help to keep her booty tone and lift up. Kourtney said "I want to try to do squats -- stuff that will keep the booty up there" . She told about the classical power move to help to firm and tone up legs, quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Doing Unexpected Workout on Body Parts

Try to do sometime that not really used to do and let your body keep on guessing.I started doing weight-training to shock my body into doing something I'm not really used to -- and I've noticed a difference already," Kourtney tells Life & Style. If you keep on doing the routine workout, you might not be seeing growth or any major difference in your body. Switch up routine workout every six to eight weeks to tackle other body parts, it may give you unexpected results.

Kourtney Kardashian Diet Plan

By simply cutting out processed foods, products with high sugar and the bread basket, you'll shed pounds more efficiently.

Kourtney love homemade salad with deli turkey, sunflowers seeds, iceberg lettuce and cucumbers. "I died for this salad" she told Life and Style Magazine interview. Kourtney also eats a lot of salmon and chicken.

Another diet tip that Kourtney takes is start with small size. She starts with daily eating habit by switching Chai latte to one espresso shot that saves 235 calories. She also cut down other unnecessary calories like those juice and dehydrate fruits.

"I was eating a lot of dried fruits , and I didn't realize how much sugar that added. And now I'll eat raw almonds instead of salted ones."

Dream Of Building Up Your Own Six Pack Abs Body?

Is it really possible for anyone to get 6 pack abs or is it some genetic mutation that only some people are gifted with? It's taken heck of a lot of work to get toned abs and sometimes I'm quite annoyed with guys who come in to the gym and barely workout and yet have the perfect abs.

Be that as it may, recommended Six Pack Abs program which constantly staying up-to-date on new and innovative training strategies as well as the latest nutrition tips in order to pass this valuable information and help improve the quality of your life.Included also personalized metabolic rate calculator - takes your own body characteristics and activity level into account.